As a user of our systems, we would also urge you to cooperate with ITS in order to help ensure the security of your confidential information. ITS recommends the following items when using our systems:

1. That all users choose their passwords very carefully and keep those passwords within the highest of confidentiality, such that no unauthorized access of your accounts, products or services, is made by a third party without your consent.

2. Create all passwords with a complex combination of characters, so that it is difficult for others to guess. Old passwords from other accounts should not be re-used.

3. User passwords should use combination of letters, numbers and special characters (e.g. !, @, #, $) to make it more difficult to crack your account password in case of a brute force attack.

4. Users should undertake not to disclose their password to anyone or keep any written or other record of the password in a location that a third party could access to that password.

ITS makes all reasonable efforts not to disclose any information provided by its users to any person or entity, unless such action is necessary to:

1. Conform to legal requirements or comply with legal processes.

2. Defend and protect ITS’s rights, interests, or properties, or that of its Affiliates and/or Subsidiaries.

3. Enforce the terms and conditions of ITS systems, products, or services; OR

4. Protect the interests of ITS, its Affiliates, subsidiaries, representatives, members, or constituents.

ITS will limit the collection and use of the data gathered from users. and only gather this data on a need-to-know basis, in order to provide better service to our users. ITS may use and share this information provided by its users with our Affiliates and subsidiaries for providing services and any service-related activities such as collecting subscription fees for such services, and notifying or contacting the users regarding any problem with, or the expiration of, any such services. Due to the natures of this process, it may be necessary to disclose the user data to one or more agents and contractors of ITS and their sub-contractors. However, such agents, contractors, and sub-contractors will be required to agree to use the information obtained from ITS only for these purposes.

ITS websites and/or services may contain advertisements, references, and links to other web sites and organizations. We may also use third parties to display advertising on our website, within our services, email, and internet newsletters. Third party advertising companies often employ cookies and web monitoring technologies to measure advertising effectiveness. You should be aware that different rules may apply to the collection, use, or disclosure of your information by third parties in connection with their advertisements, promotions, and other websites you might view on the Internet. The use of such technology by these third parties is within their control and outside of our control. We encourage you to investigate and ask questions directly of any third parties about their specific advertising or privacy policies should you have questions about them in this regard.

By using this site or our products and/or services, you are authorizing ITS to exchange, share, part with all information related to the details and transaction history of the its users to its affiliates, banks, financial institutions, credit bureaus, agencies for use with statistical analysis, credit reporting, credit scoring, user verification, and/or other network and service management tasks. You SHALL NOT hold ITS liable for use or disclosure of any such information collected and gathered from any of our products and/or services.

ITS reserves the right to update this policy at any time, with or without prior notice or warning. ITS encourages users to periodically review the most recent Privacy Policy to be informed and stay up-to-date about how we are protecting your information and personal data.

Version: 1.0.160601
Last Updated: 01 JUN 2016